Seaport-e Task Orders | Team Members | Quality Assurance Program
Quality Control (QC) Plan
The ESP Quality Control (QC) Plan is consistent with AS 9100D / ISO 9001:2015. It provides the required surveillance, inspections, analysis and evaluation of trainer maintenance and instruction to ensure quality workmanship, availability and successful completion of aircrew training to meet the specified criteria.
Customer requirements are often incorporated into specifications. However specifications do not guarantee that a customer's requirements will be met consistently, if there are any deficiencies in the organizational structure including supply support. The ESP Program Manager, in conjunction with the Lead Engineer and designated QC Inspectors, i.e., Site Manager are responsible for the implementation and execution of the quality control plan.
Our personnel are knowledgeable in the requirements and procedures of:
- *AS 9100D / ISO 9001:2015
- *Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes for Random Sampling Techniques
- *The Statement of Work (SOW)
- *Quality Assurance (QA) Plan
- *Reporting, tracking and documenting of procedures
QC personnel will be designated in writing and a record of designations will be filed on site. The files will be available for Government inspection at their request.
In evaluating the effectiveness of our quality system, we must perform our own audits. ESP evaluation will determine if:
- Our processes are defined and procedures appropriately documented.
- Our processes are fully deployed and implemented as documented.
- Our processes effective in providing the expected results.
ESP will perform the following audits:
- *QC Level I (First-party internal audit) audit will be performed by the Lead Engineer on a monthly basis as set forth in, but not limited to, the QC Sub Plans. The QC Checklists will be utilized to document these audits. The Quality Control forms will be filed at the Site.
- *QC Level II (Second-party external audit) audits will be conducted by the ESP Program Manager on a bi-monthly basis. This audit will include a review of all QC Level I files. ESP management must carry out a systematic evaluation of the status and adequacy of our quality system, to include our policy in relation to our customer's expectations.
Our results of the internal and external audits as described above are an important source of information. It is important and expected that the outcome of the management review should lead to our increased effectiveness and efficiency of our quality system.
Each member of the ESP QC Team is familiar with QC procedures.